Every handpan is made with love, care and energetic alignment. We tune into your wishes and dreams so that the tuning of the handpan would be a perfect fit. Choose your favourite tuning or Place a custom order.
You can choose from a range of 8 different sound models (scales). Opting for one of these models will get you an instrument faster, as we might have them in stock. Please see the videos and sound samples below and send us your preference. They are listed from the lowest to the highest. We will get back to you as soon as possible, but within five working days. THE EASY WAY instruments are 1300eur + shipping + hard case (optional).
If you have a more refined taste, you are a professional player, or you can’t find what you are looking for, then we are glad to let you know that we have worked on a “custom orders only” basis for over ten years and have tons of experience crafting you your very own jewel.
We work with aligned energy and clear intentions, bringing together the material and the spiritual into premium quality sound. THE CUSTOM WAY handpans start from 1500eur (8+1), and an extra note on the bottom costs 90eur each.
Feel free to contact us about your desires and dreams.
More videos and examples can be found from our youtube channel.
Studio-recorded soundsamples are also available on our soundcloud.
Prices and conditions
We take 300eur non-refundable prepayment on placing an order unless we have the handpan ready and in stock to sell at once.
By placing an order, you confirm that you accept our sound and design quality.
After your custom instrument is ready, we will send you a video/sound sample and an invoice for the remaining sum.
We retune all our instruments for free once a year (you will only pay the shipping costs). That applies to normal wear. In case of an accident, we will do our best to fix the instrument, and we will offer you a price for the work after an evaluation of the damage.
Handpan case is not automatically included in the deal. You can order your case from hardcasetechnologies.com (our instruments are medium size), OR we can order it for you, ship the instrument to you already in a case (preferred) and add the case to the price.
We offer worldwide shipping from Estonia or Ireland.
I am a maker. Handpans are not my only creation.
If you are interested in out-of-the-box (electric) stringed instruments, custom made wooden speakers or other sound design creations, either to buy, to order or to just explore, just click on the button.
Learn about everything you need to know before you place an order.
Some people are seasoned swimmers in the handpan ocean and know exactly what they want. Our experience shows, though, that 80% of our customers find it helpful to think things through together with us and to make this process easier, we created a list of the most basic areas to clear out before ordering a handpan. Hope you find it helpful!
Handpan scales can be either minor (sad sounding), major (happy sounding) or exotic (sounding…well…exotic). Sunny days are awsome, but sometimes, we just want to stay in and read a book! For us, all of the scale moods carry different tastes of energy, but they are all healing, lifting and connecting. So it just boils down to your personal preference at any given time of your life.
Welcome to world of limitless choice. Some scales are more universal (c-major, d-minor), others very specific (taking you to the ancient Egypt or to the streets of Shanghai) . In general there are pentatonic scales, hexatonic scales, 7-note scales and 8-note scales (I know, I know…). And they can start from any note (Heliton Handcrafts currently excludes only Eb center note). When this topic is very new to you, you can think about whether you want a higher sounding scale or prefer a lower scale. Be sure to listen around our videos and other handpan videos on youtube and just feel into what resonates with you and your intentions. We offer 8 ready-made scale options too and you can listen to them here. Feel free to contact us and discuss in more detail! We are very flexible and most of our instruments are custom made, so we can truly help you to find what you are looking for!
Our customers choose between two different frequencies when they order an instrument. 440Hz and 432Hz. The first one is more common, the frequency of nowadays music and is better for playing together with other instruments. The latter, however, is said to be in correlation with the planet Earth frequency and is often chosen by home-users, therapists and people who want to use the instrument for personal meditation purposes. Here we are presenting you the SAME INSTRUMENT tuned into DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES, so you can actually objectively compare which one feels and sounds better for you.
Heliton Ordinary Miracle 432Hz, B/ F# A B C# D E F# A, 2019
Heliton Ordindary Miracle, 440Hz, B/ F# A B C# D E F# A, 2019
The number of TONEFIELDS
Most of the tonefields are placed on the upper side of the instrument. In HH, we make 7+1 (center note) and 8+1 scales, regarding the upper hemisphere. In case you are looking for more tonefields, we can also place up to 4 notes on the bottom. There are other makers who create so called “monster handpans” with tons of notes everywhere, but we just like to keep it simple, clean and clear. It is also a possibility to add notelings aka TAKs on the bottom side (check out the Elderflower video). These are not crazy popular, but we happen to LOVE them. The price of the instrument may become slightly higher with lots of tonefields on the bottom side.
Handpans mostly come in the price range of 800-3600 eur, depending on the quality, size, experience of the maker and other factors. The most basic price is around 1200-1500eur to get a quality handpan and most of our handpans are also in that price range. Not all makers or resellers value their instruments fairly though, so be sure to check the quality of the sound and the details of the material before you buy! Make sure it’s nitrided or stainless steel (rust resistant) and NOT covered in layer(s) of paint. Check that all the notes are in tune and have the overtones in place (every note consists of the fundamental tone and 2 overtones). When you are not sure whether to buy a specific handpan or not or how to check the tuning, don’t be afraid to contact a professional player or maker to help you out. Even if you consider buying from someone else, we would be glad to help you to figure out whether you are sending your money and energy into the right source!
Marek and Maru busking in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2018 during our travels with Heliton Fey
Handpans are here to bring you JOY! You can get very technical with your choice, if you like, but the most important thing is to follow your joy and intuition and have fun!
Behind the notes…
More and more people are looking for ways to express themselves freely. People are naturally drawn to music and drawn to their abundant and vibrant inner selves.
Heliton Handcrafts is answering this calling.
We are creating instruments that allow you to express yourself through beautiful sounds and in return, playing, creating and allowing the vibration of the sound will connect you with your True Voice and Guidance.
I’m Marek, a born inventor, creator, instrument-maker, musician and craftsman. After I made my very first handpan in my brother’s shed in 2012, a new era started for me as I fell in love with the instrument and with the creative process of crafting one. Fortunately, other people started to fall in love with my sound sculptures too and so Heliton Handcrafts was born.
I like to keep the handpans simple and beautiful and allow the sound to shine. I work in close contact with the nature and natural environments, in Estonia and in Ireland.
I take high care in connecting with the intention and energy of the person, of the particular pan in creation and simply allow it all to come together into a beautiful work of musical art.
I mainly use stainless steel and form the shells with pneumatic and hand hammers. Other half of the handpans are created from pre-made top quality nitrided and stainless steel shells from Ayasa maker shop.
Nitrided shells/stainless steel shells are ready for tone-field creation. When the Ding and tone-fields are ready, it’s all about tuning and heating, tuning and heating. Everything is done in calm awareness and in connection with the material.
Finally, I craft the bottomside and glue the two hemispheres together. Now it’s up to the time to do it’s thing. The glue has to dry. A nice and slow process takes up to one week and after that, the instrument is ready for final touches: fine-tuning (sometimes done with natural stones), cleaning, engraving.
We do not number the instruments, instead, we give them names that reflect their character or purpose.
Johannes Ahun & OOPUS Studio
Most of our studio recordings have been done in collaboration with professional musician, sound engineer and video producer Johannes Ahun.
Johannes Ahun +37253543000
Ian Mikael & Djembe Master
Ian Mikael Kirss @djembemaster offers online handpan courses and live lessons with Heliton Handpans. As of 2022, he is the brand ambassador for Heliton Handcrafts.
Learn to play and improve your skills:
Brian Devaney & CU band
Brian Devaney is Irish musician, voice actor, actor and cultural activist & has long been the brand ambassador for Heliton Handcrafts. Together with Cu Band they play Meditative Folk music with traditional elements from Ireland and Estonia.
Some of our raw shells come from Ayasa Maker Shop. Ayasa has made our life ten times easier, cause we don’t have to start from ground zero anymore, but can focus on the real magic.
Heliton Handpans deserve the best cases and travelcases (for flying) in the world. Hardcase Technologies is the market leader and creates top quality cases and has been our partner since the beginning of times.
Other services
Retuning of HANDPANS
We tune our own instruments for free. However, in case you own a handpan from another maker and want to have it tuned, feel free to give us a call and we will see what we can do. The price depends on the amount of time and energy it will need and will be somewhere between 50-150 euros.
Not interested so much in buying, but would like to just enjoy beautiful sounds during your birthday gathering or some other event and/or get to know more about the instruments and/or learn the basics of how to play? We have been offering workshops, background music, concerts and sound-journeys as long as we have created the instruments. Feel free to reach out for more info if interested!
source Process and breathwork sessions or guided meditations for groups, supported by Handpan music
Ida Materasu from nondualpath is a certified Source Process and Breathwork therapist, and meditation guide. Together, we can offer a deeply uplifting and healing evening for you and your friends, filled with heart-to-heart conversations, healing processes, expanding the limits of your mind and body and enhancing it all with otherworldly music.